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Secret Lair - Sheldon's Spellbook

Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description
    Secret Lair collaborated with Sheldon Menery, the godfather of the Commander format, to create a drop that would showcase his love of the game and the Magic community. Sheldon had a tremendous positive impact on the game, and this drop honors his many contributions. Sheldon helped a lot on this drop: he selected cards and collaborated on the art descriptions. Inside you’ll find cards he designed, like Inkshield; his signature commander, Ruhan; beloved format staples, like Teferi’s Protection; and more.

    For each Foil Product sold for $49.99 and Non-Foil Product sold for $39.99 sold from February 26, 2024 to March 24, 2024, the American Cancer Society will receive 50% of the product price. ACS does not endorse any service or product. The American Cancer Society will receive a minimum of $250,000 in connection with this promotion.

    Want to learn more about the creation of Sheldon’s Spellbook? Check out this article.

    This product is Print to Order; all orders made within the sale event window will be shipped when the product becomes available.

    1x Teferi’s Protection
    1x Eladamri’s Vineyard
    1x Italian-language Greater Good
    1x Inkshield
    1x Ruhan of the Fomori as Sheldon, the Commander
    1x Sol Ring
    1x Command Tower