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Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade

Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description

    Imagine playing pinball with perfect reflexes! Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade brings the arcade classic to the tabletop with art, atmosphere, and roll & write mechanics from acclaimed designer Geoff Engelstein.

    Choose one of the four unique tables and matching backglass for scorekeeping, then roll a shared pair of dice and get the pinballs rolling! You'll select one of the two dice results, and move your pinball to a bumper, spinner, or target one level below with a matching number. Once you reach the lowest level, pick which flipper's roll to use and send the ball to the top of the table. Play well and you'll unlock bonuses like multiball, score multipliers, and more to help you get the high score!

  • Details
    BGID: 302524
    Category: Strategy Games
    Time: 30+ minutes
    Designer: Geoff Engelstein
    Players: 1 - 4
    Year: 2020
    Ages: 12+