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Tara Angel's Magic

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  • Description
    Imagine that you're a supercomputer. Now imagine that you're bored. So you dream up a little contest for you and a couple of your supercomputing buddies. Your task is to move one of the stupid little robots out on the factory floor through a series of checkpoints scattered throughout the factory. The wrinkle, however, is that the factory floor is filled with all kinds of inconvenient (if not down-right deadly) obstacles located in various locations: conveyor belts, crushers, flame-throwers, pushers, teleporters, oil slicks, pits, et cetera. But the real fun comes when the robots cross each other's path, and suddenly your perfect route is something less than that...The game was reprinted by Avalon Hill (Hasbro/WotC) in 2005. BoardGameGeek Info
  • Details
    BGID: 18
    Category: Racing, Science Fiction
    Time: 120 minutes
    Designer: Richard Garfield
    PrimaryName: RoboRally
    Players: 2 to 8
    Year: 1994
    Product Title: RoboRally
    Ages: 12 and up